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Week Commencing 18th September 2017 - Westmeston

This week we played lots of games and did many activities that required us to listen carefully to instructions and to pay attention including an adaptation of a Spanish game called Chapas where we flicked buttons with numbers on.

We enjoyed writing and practising our sounds with Silly Soup.

We loved singing traditional nursery rhymes. We have been building walls and knocking them down (and

falling off of them) just like Humpty Dumpty did. We made jam tarts because the Queen of Hearts made some. We had lots of fun making those and some of them even looked like tarts – they tasted yummy. We

used Mrs Irwin’s yummy homemade strawberry jam. For us older children, Mrs Hilton encouraged us to write for a purpose and we wrote down the ingredients and devised methods as to how we made the jam tarts.


We helped Miss Vincent to find out all sorts of interesting facts about spiders and she helped us to make our own webs complete with spiders. We learned about an Orb weaver spider web. We looked for spiders in slime.

We have been junk modelling and painting with lots of packets and tubes. Thank you Mrs Wigmore for saving us your recycling.

On Wednesday’s walk we decided to go up on to the Downs. It was quite a dull day but our rain coats and wet weathers were very bright. We saw sheep and lots of sheep poo. We looked for other sorts of poo as well and tried to identify what animal it came from. We had some very

interesting conversations! As we explored we discovered that some of the flowers had turned into seeds. We saw lots of clouds and it started to rain! Never mind, it made the walk back down rather slippery but we managed. It’s a good job that we are so good at balancing!

We played outside a lot under the trees. We practised good sharing and helping our friends. We played in the mud kitchen and enjoyed collecting things to put in our dinner and we made rock cakes out of real rocks and mud.

We are getting very good at identifying seeds and fruits that are glowing (and growing) in the hedgerows and Jemima brought in a lovely red rosehip for us to look at. We looked at the differences between pine trees and conker trees. On Friday we practised some weaving with pine needles and other bits and pieces that we found.

We saw lots of toadstools, some big, some small and delicate and some of them according to Lochy were “Like potatoes!” We are learning that we mustn’t touch them because they might be poisonous. Lochy also told us that he thought that “Trees are awesome!” We agree!

Please let us know if you find anything interesting on your walks at home or in your gardens.

Conker Sheep is back from another adventure and is now off to Isabella's house! Have fun Conker Sheep!

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