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Week commencing 9th September 2019 - Lindfield.

We have had a wonderful week at The Acorns in Lindfield.

The new children who have joined our group are all doing really well and we have enjoyed getting to know them and helping them to settle in.

We have played board games this week in small groups to help strengthen friendship groups.

We enjoyed this game – We had to match up the bugs and mini beasts to our game boards and we got to shout BINGO really loudly when we had matched all the pictures.

We have been thinking ahead to Christmas time (Yes, I know – It’s only September.)

We started to make our Christmas cards which will be sent away to the printers.

We chose a template and used special paint dabbers to outline our picture. We can’t wait to see the finished product. The children worked really hard on them. The cards will be available for you to purchase later in the year.

We have enjoyed dressing up this week. We have been dinosaurs, fairies, doctors, pumpkins, fire-fighters …

The season is changing and we are noticing things are beginning to look a bit different outside.

Leaves are beginning to change colour and fall from the trees. Children are bringing in conkers they have found on walks and we have noticed lots of spiders in webs.

Freddie brought in a huge spider this week. It was battery operated and crawled around the floor … Poor Mrs Franks got the fright of her life!

We have spent lots of time in the garden enjoying some sunshine.

We mad mud pies, banana mud porridge and soup.

We watered the flowers and plants, added water to the mud and also cleaned the chalk from the blackboard.

Isabel brought in a very special recipe book to share with her friends. We looked through the pages and the children talked about their favourite foods. We talked about healthy foods and treats.

“Treats sometimes have too much sugar.”

“Eggs are healthy.”

We chose to make some pancakes and followed the recipe carefully.

We used some scales to measure out our flour and used a whisk to mix everything together. They tasted delicious!

We also did a little yoga session at quiet time.

Yoga helps us to calm down after a busy time playing.

We start by laying down on the floor and we concentrate on our breathing.

In this photo we are puffing out big breaths of air.

We had a very special visitor on Friday, Mrs Davies flew back from Australia and popped in to say hello.

It was so lovely to see her and we hope she will visit again the next time she is home.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

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