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Week commencing 16th September 2024 - Acorns 59

Welcome to our blog.

This week our focus has been on ‘Our Family’

We spoke a lot about our own families and how everyone’s family can look a bit different.

We asked the children about the people in their families and got to know about their cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and of course their pets.

“I have Stanley, Charlie and Harry and a little girl cousin who is in my Aunties Michelles belly.”

“I have Uncle Nick. He lives far away.”

“I have 2 brothers.”

“My Grandma is my mummy’s mummy.”

“My cat is called Dashie.”

The children drew pictures of their families.

We asked our families to bring in photos which we added to our family tree display. Its not too late to send in a photo – we would love to have all of our families on there.

The display is in the cloakroom for you all to see.

Our letter of the week is Bb

We looked carefully at the letter and tried to write it for ourselves.

What things can you think of that begin with B?





The children have enjoyed using the sticky sheets this week to write their own names.

We mix up the letter tiles and they have worked hard to put them all back in the correct order.

The teachers even tried putting the tiles back to front and upside down.

Well done Acorns Team – Great Work.

We enjoyed lots of time in the garden this week and potion making was a firm favorite.

We added grass, petals, twigs, mud, bark and some herbs to make the most amazing magical potions.

We enjoyed a lovely walk on Thursday – It was our first walk with our new children so we didn’t venture too far but we still had a wonderful time.

Before we left we talked about how we keep safe on walks.

We held on to our magic walking rope and headed out together to see what we could find.

We had a map of the local area to help us find our way.

We noticed lots of things on the lane – fallen leaves, acorns, flowers and feathers.

So many wonderful things to see and talk about.

We walked up Denmans Lane then around The Glebe and you will never guess what we found …



We wonder how it got there ?

“It fell out of the sky.”

“Maybe pirates left it there,”

“Maybe we should bury it.”

We were a bit sad to see some rubbish and litter on the lane but it gave us an opportunity to chat to the children about how it is important to look after our environment and to always throw our litter into the bin.

We collected a few bits and put in into the bin at The Acorns once we got back.

When we got back to our garden we looked through our box of treasures in amazement.

Here are some more photos of our garden time adventures this week.

Mrs Drake made us something very yummy this week -

We had apple and rhubarb crumble made from our own apples and rhubarb - it was delicious.

Thank you Mrs Drake.

We hope you have enjoyed reading our blog.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Mrs Franks and The Acorns 59 Team.


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