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Week commencing 20th May 2024 - Acorns 25

We hope you enjoy reading about our week.

This week we have been learning about nurturing and caring for the plants and flowers that we have been growing in the garden.

We have talked a lot about what our plants need to help them grow.

The children love to help water the plants.


Mon –

Today the nursery turned into a music concert -

Our friend Tommy was singing to his friends whilst sitting at the table and everyone ended up joining in.

It was like a mini flash mob !!

The children love learning new songs and singing some old favourites.

Which songs do your children sing at home?

We talked about nurturing and caring for our bodies – just like we care for the plants and flowers.

The children know that their bodies need fuel to help them to grow and develop.

The children made their own lunch plates – sticking cut outs from magazines on to paper plates - main courses, side dishes and desserts. Choosing the foods they would most like to eat. We talked about making healthy choices and where our food comes from.

The children looked carefully at the pictures and tried to identify each food.

It was a super sticky job.

We enjoyed ball games – particularly playing throw and catch.

The group are learning that they need to put their hands out to be ready to catch the ball and how to throw to a target.

Great hand - eye coordination skills.


Tue –

Today the children were interested in making tunnels for their cars to travel through.

The pull back and let go cars were lots of fun as they sped through the tunnels super fast.

The children needed to line up the cars correctly so they would travel through the tunnel without getting stuck.

Everyone enjoyed playing with the kinetic sand and talking about visits to the seaside, lobsters, crabs and sandcastles.

Mrs Finney showed the children a video recording of a bee going around lots of flowers collecting nectar. 

We planted sunflowers seeds, watered and observed our plants that already growing.


Weds –

We all sat together and looked at how much our seeds have sprouted and grown.

We looked at the roots and made sure to water the plants that looked thirsty.

Everyone has their own plant to look after and we make time each day to check on them.

Thursday -  

We read a story called the Teeny Tiny Tadpole.

We potted up some more plants called Ferns. 

We think they look like leaves from a dinosaur land !

A group of children went to visit the gardens at the Dr surgery – look what we found !!

We got to meet Mrs Irwin's son Tim and his lovely family.  They are over visiting from Texas and came to say hello and have a little play. The Acorns at 59 was set up when Tim was a little boy.

Now he has two boys of his own - who are very much enjoying their trip to England.

Friday -

We did more lunch plate sticking, carefully choosing the foods we would like to eat.

Here are a few more photos from our week ...

The Acorns Quiz.

Mrs Irwin has been out on the lane taking photos again.

Does anyone know what this is ?

Also ...

What do you think might be happening here?

We hope you all have a wonderful half term and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Thank you for taking the time to read our blog post.

Mrs Franks and The Acorns 25 Team.

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