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Week commencing 23rd September 2024 - Acorns 25.

Hello and welcome to our blog post.

We hope you enjoy reading about our week at The Acorns.

This week our focus has been on 'Our Home'

We enjoyed lots of fun activities to support our learning.

We played a game where pieces of dolls house furniture were put into the feely bag.

The children each pulled a piece of furniture out, named it and tried to work out which room in the house it belonged.

This was a great language activity and we were able to introduce some new words.

We enjoyed looking at books with pictures of different buildings and we talked how they are built with bricks and cement.

We made our own buildings using sponges for bricks and used shaving foam as the cement.

We had so much fun sticking the pieces together!

We enjoyed some lovely walks this week and spotted lots of houses, noticing their similarities and differences.

We looked at the different shaped windows.

We looked at big houses, small houses, houses with driveways & garages.

We noticed chimneys, lights, clocks, bird houses and we even found a green house.

We were able to identify some of the house numbers that we spotted.

We loved splashing in the puddles !

We did some baking and made cheese scones.

We helped to weigh out the ingredients using scales.

We rubbed the butter and flour together and used rolling pins to gently roll out our dough.

We used cutters and sprinkled cheese on top before baking them in the oven.

The children were delighted to take them home.

We collaged some houses and the children stuck in pictures of items of furniture into the relevant rooms.

TS - "A kitchen is downstairs, its where you cook."

GK - "Bathroom is upstairs. You wash hands"

Here are a few more photos from our week.

We hope you enjoyed reading about our week.

Next week we will be thinking about our favourite foods as we celebrate Harvest Festival.

We will also celebrate Rosh Hashanah.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Mrs Franks and The Acorns 25 Team.


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