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Week commencing 25th September 2023 – Acorns 59

Welcome to our blog post.

It has been a another fun and busy week at The Acorns.

This week our theme was all about our family and we have enjoyed drawing pictures and sharing stories about the people we have in our lives.

The children enjoyed talking about their families during a group circle time.

Here are some quotes -

“Daddy works in Boston – he goes to a holiday house.”

“I have a cousin called Jess, she is already 10”

“I have a mummy, a daddy and a Rafaela.”

“My family is the same as me but my daddy is hairy.”

“I have mummy, daddy and Molly. She lives at the beach.”

“Charlie and Noah are bigger than me, but I am growing”

“Is Sybil the rabbit in my family.”

“Tommy is soo cute - but sometimes he pulls my hair”

“Sybi says googoogaga to me and I say googoogaga to sybi”

We read stories about different families and the children talked freely about their home lives showing both curiosity and interest about their peers.

We enjoyed exploring with playdough and chose to make faces of our family members.

We rolled and used tools as well as our hands to manipulate the dough into shapes.

We spent lots of time outside in the garden – enjoying time in the mud kictchen, on the pirate ship, splashing in water and bug hunting.

We enjoyed a yoga session in the garden and the children amazed us with their flexibility.

‘SIT SPOTS’ We each found a place to sit in the garden and focused on what we could see, hear and smell. The children tuned into their senses and relaxed. We took off our socks and shoes and let our toes wriggle in the tickly grass.

We loved searching through our potato bags that the children planted in the spring time.

Hiding within the soil, we found so many lovely little potatoes.

“Its like we are searching for treasure but its potatoes.”

“I found some roots.”

We enjoyed lots of fun activities this week – here are a few more photos from our week.

We hope you have enjoyed reading about our week.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.

Mrs Franks and The Acorns 59 Team.


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