Week commencing 28th June @ Westmeston
We received some wonderful news at the start of this week with the arrival of Baby Tubb.
William Tubb was born on Monday 28th June. Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Tubb. We can’t wait to see him!
The focus for this week has been Maths: looking at numbers.
We have had a lovely time looking at numbers and matching groups of sticks, shells and flowers to the correct numbers.
We practised counting to 10 and some children even had a go at getting all the way to 50!
The children enjoyed trying to count backwards from 10 to zero. They did very well!
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. Blast off!
This week at Westmeston it has been wet! This has created the perfect environment for us to explore the mud and do some mud painting! The children really enjoyed this as you can tell from the photos!
Soup was very popular this week in our mud kitchen, with some very interesting flavours being created.
“This is Sausage” and “This is Cheese.”
The sun joined us for our Friday adventure. We took a walk through the fields, stopping for a short break to listen to what we could hear in the environment around us.
We sat down and asked the children what they had heard “Birds” “Wind” “Sheep” Some even heard a Crocodile!
On our way back, the children took part in the scavenger hunt, looking for bugs, flowers and trees around us. The birds were quite noisy and kept playing hide and seek with us.
One of the children brought in a bird’s nest for us all to look at. Magnifying glasses gave us the opportunity to look at all the bits that were included to create this nest: bits of shell, grass, moss and even cat hair!
I wonder what we will discover next week!