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Week commencing 30th September 2024 - Acorns59

Welcome to our blog post.

We hope you enjoy reading about our week.


This week we have been learning about The Harvest Festival.

Its given us opportunities to chat to the children about their favourite foods and to learn about making healthy choices.

The children drew their favourite foods and told us about them.

“I like ham.”

“I like strawberries.”

“I like pasta with tomato sauce."


We had lots of fun with conkers this week.

Just look at how shiny they are!

We love conkers and have been finding lots of ways for the children to use them within their play.

We painted pictures using the conkers – putting them in a tray and shaking them to spread the paint around.

We followed a chalk path, using our hand and eye coordination skills to roll the conker around.

It was a great finger gym activity.

We sorted the conkers into number sets, recognising numerals and matching quantities.

We made something really special that you may have spotted by our front door.

We used a very special conker clamp and a palm drill to make holes in our conkers and then threaded them through an old wire coat hanger.  

The children were brilliant when using the tools, demonstrating that they understood the need to be careful.

"It's a bit sharp."

"We have to be careful with this."

Mrs Roberston bent the hanger into shape … a conker heart!!

We collected some leaves and twigs from the garden to decorate our heart and have out it by the front door for you all to see.

We enjoyed a walk to 'The conker house'

Every year we get invited by the owner to visit the garden and collect the conkers that have fallen from the tree.

“We have hundreds.”

“I might need to take one of those home to my house.”

We celebrated Rosh Hashanah which is the Jewish New Year.

We enjoyed a story about Sammy the Spider.

We ate apples dipped in honey which is a traditional sweet treat during the celebrations.

Some of the children made Shofars from paper.

A shofar is an ancient musical horn often made from a rams horn.

Harvest box - Thank You so much to everyone who brought in some tins and dried goods for our harvest box.

We will be donating the box to the Community Larder.

I am sure they will be very grateful for your kind and generous contributions.

We will delivering the box at the end of next week so there is still time to donate.

We baked a lovely lemon cake on Thursday with Mrs Drake.

The children helped to weigh and measure out the ingredients needed for the cake.

They cracked eggs, squeezed lemons and stirred the mixture until it was ready to be baked in the oven.

Delicious !

Mrs Robertson also baked us a yummy cake with banana and choc chips which we enjoyed for pudding one day.

Yummy !

We enjoyed lots of outdoor time this week - here are a selection of photos.

We harvested our potatoes which we planted earlier this year.

It was fun searching through the soil to find the potatoes.

"I found a tiny one."

We hope you have enjoyed reading about our week.

Here are a few extra photos -

Thank you for taking the time to read about our week.

We love to hear your feedback on our blog posts.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone !

Mrs Franks and The Acorns Team.

1 Comment

Meredith Dispain
Meredith Dispain
a day ago

What a busy week! Kit and Oscar had a lovely time, thank you so much! Oscar especially enjoyed the visit to the conker house 😊.

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