Week commencing 3rd February 2025 - Acorns 59
Welcome to our blog post.
We hope you enjoy reading about our week.
This week we have been learning about the Moon Landings as part of our Solar System project.
The children will be able to tell you all about Neil Armstrong.
We learnt about where he lived, what he did before becoming an astronaut and the name of the rocket he travelled to the moon on.
We know he was the first person to walk on the moon.
We watched a video clip on the laptop of him – it was amazing.
He skipped across the moon saying “hippity hop, hippity hop.”
We hippity hopped around The Acorns and planted our flag into the moon’s surface (Sofa)

We enjoyed exploring the moon sand again this week – The children used their hands and other tools to mould the sand into shapes.

We used the big builder kit to make our own space stations and satellites.
The children were so creative and it was amazing to see what they could build.

As always, the magnets were a firm favourite.
We made so many wonderful creations using the magnetic shapes.

This is a space station !!

We enjoyed lots of time in the garden this week.
We played in the mud kitchen.

We did some digging and exploring.
Can you spot the snow drops?

We had fun on the climbing frame.

We used the bikes and trikes.

We repurposed our pan lids from the mud kitchen to make shields.

Here are some extra photos.

We really hope you enjoyed reading about our week.
Thank you for taking the time to read our blog.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone and we look forward to more fun and games next week.
Mrs Franks and The Acorns Team.