Week commencing 3rd June 2024 - Acorns 25
Welcome to our blog post.
We hope you enjoy reading about our week.
On Monday we talked about where fruit grows - fruit trees, bushes and plants.
We wondered if the children have any fruit growing in their gardens at home.
We would love to hear about it
The children were delighted to make some jam tarts using delicious strawberry jam that Mrs Neve had made for us.
The children made their own pastry which was a very sticky job – they rolled it flat using a rolling pin, cut it out and spooned in the jam.
They were so excited to take their tarts home.
The children enjoyed the jam so much that they had it on toast for snack time – they carefully spread their choice of jam or honey onto their toast.
Well done team.
The children enjoyed building a track with the wooden blocks and then walking along it – great balancing everyone !
On Tuesday
The children spent some time looking at one of their sunflowers. They noticed the stem had grown longer and that there were leaves growing.
We talked about how the roots suck up moisture from the soil to keep the plant alive.
In the garden we used play dough to cut out flower shapes, sparkly bits to decorate our flowers and lollipop sticks as our stems. We used white wool as the roots.
This was a great positioning activity for the children
We painted and colour mixed on foil and discussed the texture and changing colours.
We had lots of fun in the garden, enjoying the sunshine.
We had a piece of Mrs Finney's birthday cake. Happy Birthday !
Thank you for sharing your delicious cake with us.
We watched a blackbird tweeting for some time and spent time staring up at the sky watching the clouds go by.
We gathered around to see how well our plants had grown during the half term.
We then re potted our own plants, making sure to place a name label into the soil so we can check on our own plants.
We have a box of sunflowers, a box of beans and a box of tomatoes.
We looked at the roots and shoots on a geranium.
We made our own sandwiches for lunch which was fun.
The children made choices about what they would like in their sandwich.
Well done everyone !
On Friday we all went for a play date at number 59.
We had such a lovely day and made some new friends.
We had fun exploring the garden and playing with some different toys and equipment.
Mrs Neve had the day off on Friday to do something rather special.
She was invited to The South of England Show to judge the cake decorating.
We hope that she had a wonderful day at the show.
Thank you to our parents for being so accommodating and coming to 59 for the day.
Quiz Time
Mrs Irwin has been out on the lane again this week and has taken this photo.
We wonder if anyone knows what it is ?
Let us know next week and have a look to see if you can spot it growing anywhere.
We hope you have enjoyed reading about our week.
Thank you to the parents who have taken the time to write a review for us on the Day Nurseries website.
We really appreciate it and it helps us to stay visible on internet searches.
Also - we love reading your fabulous comments.
It's not too late - please head over to the testimonials page of our website and click on the link to leave your review.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone
Mrs Franks and The Acorns 25 Team.