Week commencing 3rd March 2025 - Acorns 25.
Hello Everyone.
Welcome to our blog post.
We hope you enjoy reading about our week.
This week we have been focusing on Spring Flowers and have been learning the names of some of our favourites.
We have been able to spot lots of flowers on the lane & in our garden. The children have been telling us about flowers growing in their gardens at home.
The children have been looking very carefully at the daffodils and learning what all of the parts of the flower are called.
Its so lovely to hear them using language like 'Stem' 'Trumpet' & 'Petals'
The children helped to mix some paints and went on to paint their own beautiful daffodils.
It was a lovely sunny day so we hung them out to dry in the sunshine.

We spent lots of time outside this week, the weather was beautiful.
We had chilly, frosty mornings but wonderfully sunny afternoons.
It is such a joy to wave goodbye to winter and to welcome the spring.
We enjoyed looking at books, both indoors and out.
It was WORLD BOOK DAY on Thursday and we had a great time dressing up as our most loved characters.
Even Mrs Finney got involved and came to The Acorns in her pajamas dressed as Mrs Bear!
We have enjoyed reading lots of books and making up our own stories.
What is your favourite children's book ?

We dipped forks into paint to create more flower pictures. We think they look like tulips - what do you think?

We were so excited about Pancake Day.
The children learnt that we also call it Shrove Tuesday and we talked about how some people give things up for Lent.
On the tuff tray we had flour, pots, pans, play food eggs and milk.
We had so much fun making our own pancakes that we even took the tray out into the garden to continue the fun.
Will you be giving anything up for Lent? We would love to know.

Of course, we had some real pancakes for lunch. They were delicious!
What is your favourite topping?

On Friday we enjoyed a lovely walk into the village.
The children walked to the Greengrocers and spotted lots of exciting things on the way.
Mrs Neve is very knowledgeable about flowers and plants and pointed out lots of new ones to us.
Cyclamen, Dianthus, Hyacinth, Primrose - just to name a few.
We even saw some bees flying around the pretty flowers.
We enjoyed looking at all of the wonderful produce in the greengrocers and we bought some duck/fish food.
We paid the Greengrocer with our pennies and headed to the pond.

We bumped into an Acorns friend who was enjoying a donut with his granny on the way. We were so pleased to see someone we knew.
We all waved and called his name.
We hope you have enjoyed reading about our week.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
Mrs Franks and The Acorns Team.