Week commencing 3rd March 2025 - Acorns 59
Welcome to our blog post.

We have had the most amazing week at The Acorns.
The weather has been brilliant and we have spent lots of time outside enjoying the warm spring sunshine.
We went on a scavenger hunt to find signs of spring in our garden and found snowdrops, daffodils, primrose and new buds on the trees.
We explored in the tuff trays - we had a dinosaur land and some natural materials with mini beasts and bugs.

We did some observational paintings of daffodils – the children carefully studied a real flower and went on to paint it using thin brushes. The paintings are so lovely and we have them displayed in the nursery.
We introduced some new language to the children, naming each part of the flower.

We also did some free painting this week – allowing the children full creativity to create whatever they wanted.
It was interesting to see what they chose to paint.

We celebrated Farsang – The Hungarian Spring Time Festival.
We made beautiful floral headbands and listened to some traditional music and an Acorns Mummy came in to chat to us about the festival.
Thank you so much for spending some time with us. We have really enjoyed learning about your family traditions and celebrations.

We counted together in Hungarian.
We made some floating flowers, decorating them before folding them up.
When they float on the water the petals unfold and the pretty flowers open up to reveal the artwork.
We rolled some Kokuszgolyo (biscuity balls)
They were delicious!

We also celebrated World Book Day. The children were welcome to come dressed up and we had all of our costumes out to wear too.

Some children brought their books for us to read – sadly we couldn’t read them all as there was so many but feel free to bring books again next week for our story times.
Here are a little selection of other photos from our week.

We hope you have enjoyed reading about our week.
As always, we look forward to your comments.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
Mrs Franks and The Acorns Team