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Week commencing 4th October 2021 - Lindfield.

What a wonderful week !

This week our theme has been - All about me - Healthy Bodies.

We have also celebrated Harvest Festival.

Thank you to Finley for bringing in this amazing Harvest Basket.

It was taken to the church on Friday on your behalf for the harvest festival celebrations.

We had a phone call last week from a lovely gentleman who lives near The Witch Pub to tell us that the tree on his driveway was dropping its conkers.

We have been visiting his house for many many years and normally come back with buckets full of shiny conkers.

This year we expected the same and headed off on our adventure to find the autumn treasures with a big bucket ready to collect as many as we could carry home.

We all hold on to the magic rope when we go for walks and we know that we need to have good listening ears to listen to instructions from our teachers.

We were shocked to see that although there were lots of shells on the ground there were hardly any conkers.

The few we did manage to find had been chewed and weren't in a good state.

We think the squirrels got there before us and feasted on them.

We enjoyed the walk and made the most of the autumn sunshine, we walked to Pickers Green and then down Compton Road before heading back to The Acorns for lunch.

There is a house on Compton Road that always has fun things hanging in the trees, there used to be dream catchers but it has now changed to something new ... go and take a look on your next walk, the children were delighted.

We said 'Hello' to the children and staff who were outside playing at the nursery on the green and even saw one of our friends there too.

We looked at the trees and noticed that the leaves are changing colours and beginning to fall.

Autumn is such a beautiful season.

We spoke about how walking is a good form of exercise and we know that exercise is important to keep our bodies healthy.

We also noted how we all felt hungry after our walk and after having a blast of nice fresh air.

We have been busy this week in the kitchen making yummy foods.

We made a vegetable soup one day and an apple crumble later in the week.

The apples were picked from our apple tree in the garden.

The children helped to prepare both dishes, using knifes and peelers under close supervision.

They did an amazing job and we were so proud of how they managed to stay focussed and safe whilst using the kitchen tools.

Did you see our videos on instagram?

We enjoyed lots of time in the garden this week.

We ran, jumped, hopped, climbed, played football, rode bikes and trikes ....

We are making the most of the dry weather and spending as much time outside in the sunshine as possible, knowing that soon it will get wetter and colder.

We go out in all weathers - so please remember to pack wet weathers, changes of clothes and wellies.

Indoors, we played games together in small groups.

We chose games to support our theme of healthy eating and chatted to the children as we played.

The supermarket game was brilliant and the children engaged really well.

We did some fun paint printing with fruits and vegetables too.

We used corn, broccoli, apples, peppers, carrots ...

We celebrated Leo's birthday and he brought in these amazing cakes to share with his friends. Thank You Leo and Happy Birthday!

We did some yoga in the garden, it was a really beautiful activity in the afternoon sunshine. The children mostly remained on task and managed to follow our yoga cards.

Some children told us that they do yoga at home.

"Can we do more yoga?"

"I know how to do the dog."

We also made something rather special this week.

We have spoken a lot about where our food grows and how supporting local farmers is very important.

We talked about the crops that the farmers grow in their fields and how sometimes the birds like to eat the crops before they can be harvested.

We made a scarecrow!

We all think he is quite fabulous and would love you to let us know your name suggestions.

We send our thanks to Chris Franks Equestrian for the donation of the straw for both Lindfield and Westmeston.

We practised our cutlery skills with play dough this week too.

It was fun rolling out our dough into sausage shapes and using our knifes and forks to chop it up.

On Friday the children enjoyed a planting activity in the garden, each taking home a hanging basket.

It really has been a wonderful week.

We hope the children have enjoyed all the fun activities we had planned for them.

Please let us know what they have been excited to tell you about - we value your feedback greatly.

Next week we will be talking about our families and pets - if you would like to send in some photos or items to support our learning we would be grateful.

Happy Weekend Everyone!



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