Week commencing 6th November 2023 - Acorns 59
Welcome to this week’s bog post.
We have been learning all about Diwali this week and have enjoyed lots of themed activities and opportunities.
We made Diya Lamps using clay – The children used their hands to warm and soften the cold, hard clay before rolling in around to make a ball shape.
We then stuck our thumb in the middle of the ball and worked our way around to create a pot.
We dried our pots in the oven and then painted them with sparkly and glittery paints.
The perfect sized pot for a tea light candle.
We hope you love them as much as we do.
We have been learning some new songs about Diwali.
“Light up your candle
Keep it shining bright
Diwali, Diwali
The festival of light.”
I wonder if the children have been singing them at home?
We had fun watching a short video clip of some traditional Indian dancing.
The children were fascinated by the beautiful costumes and jewels.
“Ooooh look at all her bracelets.”
“I have a necklace like that.”
“Is she a princess?”
We played some music and tried out some of the dance moves for ourselves – it was so much fun.
We made some pretty poppy pictures for Remembrance this week which we have displayed in the nursery.
The children were asked if they had noticed anybody wearing poppy badges.
“My daddy has got one.”
“The war was in the olden days – that’s what my mummy says”
“Mrs Irwin – were you in the war?”
The children used an apple to make prints on their paper and then did some finger printing to make the inner part of the poppy.
We managed to spend lots of time outdoor this week, mostly dodging the rain showers.
We have noticed that the leaves are falling fast and that its feeling much colder now.
Please can I remind you to bring named wet weather suits and wellies to The Acorns for your children so they can be warm and dry when exploring outdoors.
Here are a few more pictures from our week.
Soft Play
Story Time
Happy Birthday Ethan - Thank you for sharing your special day with us. We enjoyed playing pass the parcel & stick the horn on the triceratops.
This activity started as us designing 'Henna tattoos' but quickly evolved using bits and pieces from our creation station.
We built a giant train track - it stretched all around the nursery.
We made garlic bread to eat at lunch time - we are very good chefs.
Happy Diwali Everyone !
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Franks and The Acorns Team.