Week commencing Monday 10th May 2021 - Lindfield.
Welcome to our blog.
We hope you have had a wonderful week.
This week our focus was on Physical Development – Health and Self Care.
We carefully observed …
*Can the children observe the effects of activity on their own bodies?
*Can they attend to their own toileting needs?
*Do they manage hand washing?
*Can they self dress? Are they co-operative at dressing time?
*Do they eat a variety of foodstuffs?
*Do they understand the need for safety, managing some risks?
To support our theme for the week within our continuous provision we offered many opportunities to explore and experiment within that area.
Each day we enjoyed physical exercise, healthy food, time to rest and discussions about our amazing bodies.
We started the week by collaging on paper plates, choosing healthy foods or treat foods to stick on.
"My plate isn't very healthy but I love pizza and chips and chocolate and more pizza." - Annalise.
We talked about the food in the pictures and the children decided if they were good foods or foods that should be eaten in moderation.
We talked about oral health and ways to keep our teeth and gums clean, strong and healthy.
“I can eat the skin on apples now, my teeth are growing stronger” – Niya
We played board games that related to food which opened up more discussions.
“I only like the cheese in the black packet” - Jack
"I put ketchup on everything - even broccoli!"
"My favourite fruit is prunes and my second favourite fruit is apricots, but I like the flat ones, like a little circle. My favourite vegetable is brussels sprouts." - Rafe
Warren brought in a special body book to share with us.
We enjoyed looking at the pictures of things inside our bodies. Thank You for sharing Warren.
We looked at lots of recipe books and chose foods we would like to see on the menu at The Acorns.
If you have any menu suggestions we would love to hear them.
We have a chart in the kitchen that tells us about vitamins and minerals. It was interesting to see what goodness we would be getting from our foods and how that translates into how our bodies feel.
“Water keeps our muscles healthy and strong” - Edward
“Carrots help your vision.” - Rafe
We know how important it is to exercise and this week we have enjoyed lots of time in the garden, long walks around the village and some yoga sessions.
We had a great time at the park using all of the equipment.
We played games in the garden - throwing, catching and kicking balls.
We did lots of role play - We used the picnic foods both indoors and out to create some amazing dishes.
We made yummy healthy food in the mud kitchen too.
We enjoyed setting up a little hospital and then children used their imaginations to build scenarios and stories.
"You are poorly, you need an injection."
"I will get you some Calpol."
"We need a bandage and a plaster and a medicine."
The teachers have been supporting us as we get ready for garden/home time.
Encouraging us to get ourselves ready and showing us tricks to help us manage our own coats and shoes.
Please help us to learn at home by giving us lots of time, support and praise.
As well s what you have seen above, we also enjoyed lots of other activities and opportunities.
Here are a few extra pics ...
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
See you next week for more fun and games at The Acorns.