Westmeston - Destination America
This week we have talked about America. It’s a big place and covered three pages in our atlas book. The children enjoyed asking about the buildings and all the animals that they could see.
Following their interest in the buildings we used duplo and wooden blocks to try and build our own replicas. A favourite being the Golden Gate Bridge and the White House.
An America topic wouldn’t be complete without some dressing up. The children explored many different princess and super hero characters finishing off with making their own Captain America Shields.
During the last couple of weeks we have focussed on names and encouraged the children to identify their own name, write their own name and for some spell their name out using the magnetic letters. When talking about letters it is important to remember the letter name and sound, learning both will support the children when they start phonics and begin to read, blending sounds together to form words.
Playing games such as bingo and pairs helps the children to notice similarities and differences, and to match items together. In a small group the children enjoyed playing vehicle bingo, taking turns, sharing, building patience, resilience and listening skills.
A walk on Friday to visit the horses was windy but dry. The children had the opportunity to run down the field before sitting for a snack.
We finished the week by celebrating Rubens 4th Birthday with a special cake and pass the parcel. Yummy.
Next week we move on to Iran and our very much looking forward to celebrating Iranian New Year.