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Westmeston Week Commencing 20 - 9 - 21

This week we have been talking about recycling and how we can look after our world. We tried hard to sort the recycling into plastics, paper and glass.

The easiest way for us at Acorns to look after our planet has been to reuse recycling. We have made musical cans with tins, built towers, and made some amazing junk model creations.

“It’s a lunar model”

“It’s a robot”

“It’s a carpet”

“It’s a straw launcher”

“It’s a baby yum yum”

The children have enjoyed playing with the dolls house. Small world play is great for building imagination and expressing creativity, communication, language development, making connections between play and real life and showing care and concern for others.

The children also used material to make dens. Making dens helps to build both fine and gross motors skills, problem solving skills as they create different structures and communication/language as they work with others. Once the den is built there are endless role play opportunities that allow the children the opportunity to use their imagination and develop an understanding of the world around them.

To support mathematical development, the children made shape houses. Identifying shapes, colours and using the correct shape for the purpose helps build knowledge of numerical patterns. In a few weeks we will be talking about our family, so some pictures will be added to these beautiful houses.

The children helped Mrs Voller to plant some flowers and talked about what they needed to keep healthy,

“Water and sun”

On our walk this week we took our first trip of the year up ‘The Mountain’. The children listened carefully to teacher instructions about road safety, walked brilliantly holding the rope and stopped when teachers said “Stuck in the mud”.

Once up the mountain the children enjoyed exploring the area, watching the sheep and collected items to take back. Some of the children asked to go on an exploring walk, which they need a teacher for, but they are allowed to lead the way. It was great to see them confidently telling us directions.

“This way and then left, no right” said Leo

“We are going straight up”

“Hey that’s the normal way” said Tytus

“We are going down the bridge” said Callie

“I’m going slow and easy” said Ruben

The children even managed to help each other and Mrs Spencer to safety on a very steep bank.

“Here reach my hand”

“I can help you”

Once back at Westmeston the children enjoyed the sunshine and even had a picnic lunch in the garden.

The last task of the week was to find some leaves and try to identify them. The children talked about how the leaves felt and their shape and size.

“It feel like a balloon”

“It’s an oak leaf, my dad knows everything about the trees”

“They are quite crunchy”

“It’s like a stinging nettle”

The children then stuck the leaves into their nature journals.

We have really enjoyed the weather and would love it to stay, however I think our luck may be coming to an end. Rain is forecast for next week so please remember to come prepared, extra clothes, welly boots, wet weather trousers and coats and a bag for wet clothes - You can never have too much!

Next week is Oral Health Week, we look forward to seeing your sparkly smiles! Mrs Spencer


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